Friday, August 5, 2011

Heat and outdoors can be deadly!

Football season is here! Unfortunately, so is the usual Texas heat. Practices and two-a-days have began in one of the hottest Texas summers in history. With temperatures ranging from 100 to 107 degrees and over 30% humidity, outside during the summertime can be a dangerous place to be - that is why Living for Zachary wants all young athletes to take extra precautions.

Here are some ways you can protect your football star from the heat:

Stay hydrated! It goes without saying. As the heat bears down on us, it causes our body to cool itself by sweating. On a hot day full of physical activity, it is estimated that nearly 8-10% of our body's water can be lost. It doesn't seem like much, but when you consider that 60% of our body is water—it's shocking! Keep hydrated by consistently drinking water and keeping your body fueled with electrolytes that can be found in most sports drinks.

Wear loose clothing! However unflattering it may be, your body needs room to breathe! Wearing loose-fitting clothing will give your body some room to exert the heat and allow it to leave your body; wearing tight-fitting clothing will keep the heat on your body at all times, often times this is one of the main causes of heat exhaustion.

Avoid caffeine! Ever wondered why the more coffee you drink, the thirstier you are? Caffeinated drinks like sodas and coffee are some of the fastest ways to dehydrate your body! In the Texas summer heat, make sure to monitor how much soda your football players are taking in and encourage them to drink more water. A good rule of thumb—for every soda, drinks two glasses of water.

Be smart! Texas is the land of football... so enjoy the preparations before the upcoming season! However, do so with caution. Spectators should bring umbrellas and cooling hand-fans to scrimmages and games, and players should continue to hydrate and take rest time as needed. Don't let the heat beat your team! Being smart and heart smart can help your players stay hydrated, healthy... and hopefully win a championship and win it for Living for Zachary!

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