Saturday, July 30, 2011

Save a life, one heart at a time at Living for Zachary

Our mission at Living for Zachary has always been to raise awareness of  Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) and help save lives. We want people as well as communities to become involved in events and promote youth heart screenings. Let us tell you how you can support us...

We always have events that need your input. If you are interested in helping Living for Zachary -  whether it be your time or becoming a Living for Zachary sponsor there is a form located on our site that can be e-mailed or faxed directly to us. You would be helping us with our fundraising efforts to award students with the L4Z scholarship and by donating AED's to schools. We also support the Living for Zachary screening program offered at THE HEART HOSPITALBaylor Plano.

We also have a donation page that keeps us going. It is such a great surprise when we receive donations, regardless of the amount. It takes a special person to think of others and is willing to help with a wonderful cause. Our Living for Zachary team appreciates each and every one of you that think of us!

There are so many Living for Zachary activities and upcoming events that we participate in just to spread the word on SCA. Even if you are not directly connected to Living for Zachary  please pass information to just one person the facts of SCA, you could be saving a life. That is a HUGE accomplishment! Save a life, one heart at a time.

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