Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What habits will you kick?

There’s a saying that goes, “Old habits die hard.” Well, there might be some truth to that. Most of us have old habits that we know aren’t the best for us, they might diminish our overall health, impair us from reaching our goals or have a negative effect on those around us.

Specifically speaking, what about the old habits that hurt your heart? Do you know which habits are bad on your body and how to fix them? Check out some common bad habits below with recommendations on how to kick the habit for good!

  • Not committing to exercise
    • Exercise is essential for a healthy life, and not committing to a exercise routine or plan can make hurt your long term health. Instead of setting high goals right out of the gate, shoot for something lower and as you build momentum and consistency in your workout regimen, raise your goals.
  • Watching TV
    • Ever heard of the term “couch potato”? Doesn’t sound appealing, does it? Avoid sitting in front of the TV for hours at a time because research suggests a connection to hours of inactivity and a higher risk for heart attack and stroke.
  • Stressing over the small things
    • How you handle stress can have a direct effect on how your heart operates. Learn do not internalize emotions and set up avenues to talk through emotions and feelings with a close friend or companion. Learning to de-stress can add years on your life!

So get out there, get active and try and live a stress free life. Consider your heart health and enjoy all the years to come!

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