Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A real gold medalist with HEART!

American swimmer, Dana Vollmer, became the first woman to swim the 100-meter butterfly in less than 56 seconds, earning her an Olympic gold medal.

While Vollmer has had to overcome her fair share of struggles: various injuries and an unfortunate swim that led to her not qualifying for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the most impressive is that Dana Vollmer has been competing at a high-level with a heart disorder.

Vollmer learned at 15-years old that she had an abnormal heartbeat when doctors discovered that Vollmer had a genetic cardiac electrical disorder called long QT syndrome, a potentially deadly heart condition that could lead to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).

Choosing not to let it derail her, the Granbury, Texas local decided to continue to train and compete an elite level with dreams of one day wear an Olympic gold medal, which she would earn in 2004 as her parents watched from the stands with a defibrillator at their side in case the worst happened.

Stories like Dana's serve as a reminder that sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and other heart conditions can find anyone, even an Olympic athlete. But, the inspirational response of a young girl with a lifetime of memories, dreams and goals reveal the true nature of the heart, the courage to chase your dreams.

From the Living for Zachary Family ~
Congratulations to Olympic gold medalist, Dana Vollmer!

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