Thursday, March 18, 2010

AED's and Heart Screenings - can save lives!

Finally it is being noticed that AED’s (automated external defibrillators) in schools and out in public areas where people gather is imperative in saving lives. This has been a battle many people and organizations have been involved in for many years. It is a worthwhile fight to save lives.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a medical emergency that can and could be treated if the right action is taken, either restoring the heart’s normal rhythm with the AED or just getting the heart beating until emergency help can arrive. An electrical shock from a defibrillator can restore the heart's normal rhythm and reverse cardiac arrest in many cases.

In recent years, AED’s have been placed in a growing number of public areas such as schools, office buildings, shopping malls and sporting arena’s however we need more. The obstacles with providing AED’s is cost. AED’s can typically run between $1,500 to $2,000.

Performing CPR until the AED is used also remains so very important! It is estimated that each minute that the defibrillator is not used, the victim’s chance of survival drops 10 percent in Cardiac Arrest victims. Using CPR keeps the blood circulating and improves the odds thus saving lives.

Also, it is highly encouraged to have you and your family's heart screened by a simple electrocardiogram, or ECG. Athletes and teens are among the growing number of SCA victims!

For more information on cardiac screening in the Texas area, please visit the HEART HOSPITAL at Baylor Plano and also visit the Living for Zachary Foundation and learn about a Mother’s fight for SCA screening.

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